Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Author of the Month: Mermaid Wesley

Hello every mer!

It's the beginning of the month- that means we'll be featuring our very first writer, Mermaid Wesley from the California Pod.

We spoke very briefly about her experience so far as a writer and her current short story - a work in progress, entitled "Surfacing". So without further ado, here is our first interview!

SSML: So what inspired you to start writing? 

Wesley: I've always liked reading and writing. My first attempt at writing fiction was in middle school, and it was horrible, to be honest, but it got me hooked. 

What's your short story about? Can you give a brief summary?

Wes: I have several projects in the works right now, but my short story is about a young mermaid who wants to live on land with a human, but things go awry and her sister has to rescue her. It's a modern day version of "The Little Mermaid" with a twist.

SSML: That's gotta be interesting! What inspired the story?

I think the story was mostly inspired by the mer community. I was trying to get a mersona together and came up with this character that really didn't work as a child's entertainer: this stoic, distrustful, and carnivorous mermaid huntress. Since I couldn't really adopt that persona, I started to build this character, Nielli, as a book character instead of a persona. After that, the story sort of spun out on its own.

It's currently unfinished. I was originally going to be a novel, but now I'm working on shortening it to a short story or a novella. I just have to do some reworking so that things make sense with my new direction.

SSML: I'm assuming that you've been writing for a long time. Do you have any other works that are finished?

Wes: I don't! which is hilarious. (I'm not counting things that I would burn) My writing has gotten better over time, from school as an English major, so I have a tendency to abandon projects when my writing style changes. Apart from the mermaid story, I'm very seriously working on a fantasy novel about harpies and bloodlines and royalty and such. I'm just now getting serious about my writing and trying to get published. Until recently, I only wrote for fun, and only when I felt like it, but now I'm getting serious about it, which is exciting!

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